THR Gegar

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THR Gegar Information

THR Gegar Started at 20th April, 2000 is the second most popular radio station of Malaysia has gradually became one of those radio stations that has become synonymous as an online radio to its listeners. The multi-cultured Malaysians have got fever to radio and THR Gegar Malaysia has utilized that behavior of their people to create a radio that is known for its dynamic radio presentation. THR Gegar is among few of those stations which along with giving exciting and chilling musical experience of no match to other Malaysian radio station is also known for its an array of info for the music fans. Radio THR Gegar loves to have their listeners to participate in the creation of the playlists and programs. Their effort of being connected with listeners have paid off when they are now having more than 1.6 millions of loyal listeners which on a rapid growing path.
Vision: THR Gegar vision is simply to be the most entertaining radio station of Malaysia.
Programs: With better emphasis on Malaysian music along with music from the world their popular programs are:-

  • Cheerful Morning
  • Morning Fun Weekend
  • Concussion 10-3
  • Evening concussion
  • Night Raaga
  • Best East Coast
  • Sunday Night Options

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