Hits 100 FM


Hits 100 FM Information

Hits 100 FM got on the airwaves inside initial 100 moments in the Fresh Year connected with 08 supplying fireworks connected with fan base full satisfaction. It was our joy in order to create the most recent craze inside radio tuning in because Visits 100 FM premiered in exactly 1: 45 ARE, 100 moments in to the Fresh Year. The actual audio formatting is the variety of existing strikes, best strikes with the 80’s along with the early 90’s, planning via Ballads in order to Disco, Take, Dance, R&B and ideal Take in order to Latina and Carribbean Jazz selections.
The actual station’s target audience consists of nearby, ALL OF US, and European-born inhabitants, regular age group 30 or over, who had been out-and-about in the marvelous 80’s and 90’s. The actual movers and shakers inside today’s neighborhood focus on Hits100FM. Attendees tuning are usually excited because of the experience of record in order to existing and best strikes on the ongoing formatting. Also this tourist visiting Aruba are usually tuning directly into enrich their own getaway practical knowledge.

Hits 100 FM official website address is www.hits100fm.com

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