Win FM


Win FM Information

Win fm formed from a hobby owner field of radio engineering that we always put the product in the country and the quality is not inferior to foreign products, the proverb says: “the gini-made products overseas so what would this country?” And by chance our owner is active in NEAT, Community ORARI and other radio and make too Ant, exciter, etc. booster. Therefore, Win FM ventured out to create a radio station that is supported directly by DISKOMINFO KAB.BOGOR, and certainly before it is supported first by the local community better citizens, RT, RW, and villages. Why did we choose the radio? Because the fastest medium of radio to provide information as well as cheaper than other media, and we also present a positive form of entertainment to the general public through SMS and interactive in order to establish brotherhood and friendship, as our motto ‘know the air in our ground brothers’ and of us for us. We have a radio show programs that are universal to all segments of society. Win FM always strive to improve the quality of analog broadcast either by radio or via the Internet by using the Streaming Radio on our site in
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