Willy Class X


Willy Class X Information

Willy Class X is a radio station from Belgium that plays the greatest rock classics. Whether you’re a fan of classic rock from the 60s and 70s, or you prefer the hard rock and metal of the 80s and 90s, WillyClass X has something for you. You will hear songs that you know and love, as well as songs that you may have forgotten, but will be glad to rediscover. This is a digital radio station where classic rock music is at the center of ts programs. The station’s DJs are passionate about rock music. Tune in to Willy Class X and rock on. If you’re a fan of rock music, then this is the radio station for you.

Website: www.willy.radio

Email: info@willy.radio

FaceBook: willy.radio

Instagram: radiowilly

YouTube: radiowilly

Language: French

Address: Medialaan 1, 1800 Vilvoorde

PlayStore: radio.willy

AppStore: radio.willy

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