Web Radio Max 789


Web Radio Max 789 Information

Web Radio Max 789 is a non-profit radio on the Internet that brings the best news and best songs of the 80s and the 90s. This radio station was created for lovers of good music, dance and pop music We love you all know, here you can feel good when you listen to music and read a quality news about a new actor, a singer or even a novelty in the area where you are. Enjoy a program made, so that you can listen to those themes that marked your lives, the themes with which you spent your youth, with which you met someone, and with which you began a journey.

Website: max789

FaceBook: Radio Web Max 789

Language: Português

Email: djradical.com@gmail.com

Contact Number: +55 88 992806230

WhatsApp: +5588992806230

Address: av dom aluizo a dos santos 433, 433

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