Streamee – Caprice Radio

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Streamee – Caprice Radio Information

Streamee – Caprice Radio is a web radio station from Greece that celebrates the golden age of Greek music. Caprice Radio plays the most beloved and nostalgic songs from your favorite Greek artists, from Tolis Voskopoulos and Vicky Moscholiou to George Dalaras and Haris Alexiou. This radio is a tribute to the legends of Greek music. Tune in to Streamee – Caprice Radio and let the caprice take you back in time! It’s a time machine that takes you back to the best era of Greek music. Caprice Radio, your perfect companion to connect with Greek music’s classic root.



FaceBook: Streamee

Instagram: streamee

YouTube: Streamee

TikTok: streamee

Language: Greek

Contact Number: +21 0264 8300

Address: Νικολάου Πλαστήρα 172, Athens, Greece

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