Radio Rio Pardo


About Radio Rio Pardo

Radio Rio Pardo is a broadcaster of Gazeta Grupo de Comunicacoes, located in Rio Pardo das Minas. This radio station broadcasts its programs and decorates its playlists for a socially and culturally diverse audience. In addition to broadcasting a variety of information and entertainment programs, Radio Rio Pardo broadcasts diverse local productions. Their productions and information-based programs contain current news, talk, cultural, entertainment, and sports fields. The best music of now and forever, accompanied by our presenter and two stand-ups who will make us spend the weekend nights in a fun and original way. They are working as a bridge between listeners and Brazilian Music.


FaceBook: riopardofm103.5

Twitter: portalgaz

Language: Português


Contact Number: +55 51 3731-3790

Address: Rua Andrade Neves, 431, sala 102, Rio Pardo, RS, Brazil

Frequency: 103.5 MHz FM

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