Radio Difusora Batatais


Radio Difusora Batatais Information

Radio Difusora Batatais is an online radio station in which every day a lot of music sounds, with current rhythms for all tastes. Information spaces, interviews, gatherings, brazilian music and a lot of entertainment are also offered. The history of the radio station that would become the most important in Batatais began in November 1947. In the year in which it celebrated its 66th anniversary, Radio Difusora Batatais (AM 1080), the first of the Emissoras Regionais de Ribeirao Preto group (with five broadcasters), covers the largest geographic area of northeastern São Paulo, south of Minas Gerais and Triangulo Mineiro.


FaceBook: Radio Difusora

Instagram: radiodifusorabatatais

Language: Português


Contact Number: +55 16 3761-3600

WhatsApp: +16999961080

Address: Rua Santos Dumont 239, Batatais, SP, Brazil

Frequency: Batatais, 1080 kHz AM

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