Lideranca FM 102.1


Lideranca FM 102.1 Information

Lideranca FM 102.1 is located in Curionopolis, in the region of Carajas, in the state of Para. Its broadcast covers the municipalities of the region, offering its listeners good brazilian music and news characterized by coherence and impartiality. Lideranca FM 102.1’s mission is to bring you the best of the musical world with lots of fun and relaxation, we are always looking for news both in the entertainment area and important information for your day to day.


FaceBook: Liderança Fm 102,1

Instagram: lideranca102

Language: Português

Contact Number: +55 94 98102-0497

WhatsApp: (94)98102-0497

Address: Av: Brasil 110 – Bairro Planalto (Próximo a Praça da Juventude)

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