Radio Unheard Marburg


Radio Unheard Marburg Information

From 22-06.26.2015 have 14 Schuler_innen of Erich Kaestner school Marburg-Cappel in the project “Radio is more than music” competition. The project by the Media Education Association “Blickwechsel” is sponsored by the LPR Hessen. During the project week and not only children have learned how sounds Radio and works, but also 2 Lehrer_innen a media education training received, and the parents of Schuler_innen had to learn in a Question Time the chance what their children have learned during the week, and as they together can hear child-compliant radio with them. The result of the week will be broadcast at RUM on 04.07.2015 avtor 12 clock.

Radio Unheard Marburg official website address is

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