Radio Princesa 98.5


Radio Princesa 98.5 Information

Radio Princesa 98.5 is a not-for-profit community online and FM radio station in Brazil. This radio station provides a mix of music, entertainment, local journalistic content, and information to enhance Hobart’s cultural landscape. Radio Princesa 98.5 seeks to be with the community to transform it through a plural, democratic, and participatory process in the dissemination of information of public interest. Join their online community of radio stations and listen to the best songs to accompany your day, together with us providing you with all the latest news from the country and the region.


FaceBook: Radio Princesa 98,5

Language: Português


Contact Number: +3271.1320

WhatsApp: +5553984664399

Address: Av. Cidade de Rio Grande, 700 – Pelotas RS

PlayStore: RadioPrincesaFM98.5

Frequency: 98.5 MHz FM

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