

RadioStreet Information

Born as first webradio of the south, on 14 May 2004, RadioStreet FM arrives in late 2007 and, using multi languages and cross-media, imposes soon as “the radio listening Messina”.

A radio with a strong personality that finds the reasons for success in the original format “great classics and information” characterized by the sound “happy” of the successes of the past and of the moment (“next” destined to become classics) and a complete schedule, with entertainment voice from 6.30 to 24.00, recounts live the reality is engaging local actors even where they are born with the news sent and live links.

Animated by a staff of over 40 employees, technicians, disk jockeys, entertainers and journalists with decades of experience, also active in the management of workshops open to new talent and always present events trendiest city.

RadioStreet official website address is

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