PT. Radio Merapi Indah is a company engaged in radio broadcasting. PT. Radio Merapi Indah offers programs to attract new listeners or manage good relationships with loyal listeners. In addition, it also develops a pattern of radio broadcast services for commercial purposes, in addition to providing benefits to the radio itself and advertisers, it also provides information to the wider community about the goods and services needed so that it directly or indirectly helps the regional economy in the coverage of Radio Merapi Indah FM broadcast.
FaceBook: 104,9 Merapi Indah fm
Świergot: Merapi Indah fm Magelang
Instagram: rmimagelang
Language: Bahasa Indonesia
Contact Number: +62 293 587494
WhatsApp: +62 852-9295-2072
Address: Jalan Raya GuLon Salam Magelang Muntilan, Central Java, Indonesia
Frequency: 104.9 MHz