97.9 Insania FM Gorontalo focuses on the quality of its programs. Quality presentation and modern broadcasting together create the perfect online radio station. It is such a well-thought-out radio station that blends state of the art broadcasting and music-loving broadcasting team to create one of the most entertaining online radio that is Insania Gorontalo.
Website: www.insaniafm.com/979-insania-fm-gorontalo
Email: insaniagorontalo@insaniafm.com
FaceBook: Insania FM Gorontalo
Świergot: @insaniafm
Language: Indonesian
Contact Number: +62435-8331272
Address: Jl. Prof. Dr. H. Mansoer Pateda, Desa Pentadio Timur, Kecamatan Telaga Biru, Kota Gorontalo, 96181
Frequency: 98.9 FM