Magis 98.3 FM

Dominican Republic

About Magis 98.3 FM

Magis 98.3 FM, belongs to the large family of Loyola Polytechnic Institute in San Cristobal, Dominican Republic, becoming the only educational and romantic station in the province.

Our radio station is born by the initiative of Father Rector Francisco Scholastic sj, who presented the proposal to the Doctor Jose Rafael Vargas, during his visit to the institution, under the vision of channeling Sancristobalense the needs of society.

The station is installed on 14 February 2007, baptized under the name of Magis, which name literally means more.

Currently, Magis, inspired by the Ignatian philosophy, aims to be a media committed to excellence, Citizens Traveling principles and values.

Magis 98.3 FM official website address is

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