Radio Citta Benevento


Radio Citta Benevento Information

Radio City was founded in 1986 from an idea by Gigi La Monaca journalist Benevento. Luigi La Monaca is the first radio voice of Sannio Benevento with Radio Free 104 Mhz. Founded in 1975 by some intellectuals and pioneers beneventani ether.
Previously, since 1971, Gigi’s passion for radio was reflected in the hobby of CB. (Citizen Bend 27Mhz small amateur radio at the time illegal) and only later, after the legalization of the air broadcasts, the passion became a hobby constant.
In 1979, together with two other members, Gigi La Monaca founded the first local television Sunni: “Channel 55” of the company Video Benevento Mia. La Monaca, besides animate broadcasts and to participate in the news, walked for more than a decade programs issuer. Only in 1986, partly because stimulated by his many friends, all belonging to the world of ‘information and culture Benevento, Gigi La Monaca decided to found Radio City, a station of its own, and finally free.

Radio Citta Benevento official website address is

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