Web Radio Cidade Vila Velha


Web Radio Cidade Vila Velha Information

Web Radio Cidade Vila Velha is a pop and hit radio station that plays the greatest hits of the moment, made especially for the public that loves to hear the news and the sounds that dictate fashion. programming focused on the rhythms that are successful on social media and in the minds of young audiences.  And the difference is that in Cidade, you not only hear but also see your favorite artist! The city is all that and much more!  It’s Sound, it’s Image, its party, its joy, it’s fun, and it’s YOU!

Website: Web Radio Cidade Vila Velha

Language: Português

Email: portal@hfnews.com.br

Contact Number: +55(27)34212015

Address: Rua Comissário José Dantas de Mello, 21 – CEP 29.102-920. Vila Velha, ES.

PlayStore: HF NEWS

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