WBRE Classic Soul

United States

WBRE Classic Soul Information

WRBE Classic Soul Is a 24 hour radio station so you can tune in when ever you like, Live broadcast are from 6pm EST. each day where you can request your favorite tunes form the past or just come and enjoy sounds laid down by uncleraythadj. The WRBE facebook page is and extension of the radio station designed to better get to know the patrons to ensure that you always get to hear the sounds you like after all, it is a station designed with you in mind. If you have comments or preferences about the station here is the place to voice them. Have Fun and enjoy!

Contact Details-

Website: www.wrbeclassicsoul.live

Email: wrbeclassicsoul@gmail.com

FaceBook: uncleraythadj

Instagram: uncleraysoul

Language: English

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