Triple U FM

United Kingdom

Triple U FM Information

Shoalhaven Community Radio, “Triple U FM” is a group supporter in the Shoalhaven zone of the South Coast of New South Wales, Australia, covering roughly 4400sq/Km which makes up the Shoalhaven, extending from Gerroa/Gerringong in the North to Termeil in the South and West past the beachfront ledge including Kangaroo Valley and ranges East of Robertson. We have three different transmitters to empower us to cover such a substantial geological region.

We offer an assorted mixture of projects to cook for all audience tastes. Live telecasts are displayed by volunteers who are individuals from the affiliation. Our news and climate substance is sourced by regional standards and from the CBAA Satellite National News. Our projects are generally, delivered mainly by the Triple U FM group or by live show out of Triple U-FM’s studios.

Triple U FM likewise telecasts syndicated programming from sources, for example, the Community Radio Satellite Network (COMRADSAT), BBC World Service, Indigenous Radio Service (NIRS) and different administrations. We have a major project strategy of empowering the creation and presentation of projects delivered in the Shoalhaven with substance applicable for the more extensive Shoalhaven group and the numerous a great many short and long haul guests to the Shoalhaven’s vacationer destinations.

Triple U FM official website address is

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