The main goal of Radio Escola JP Web, which was established in October 2004, is to encourage youth activism at Jose do Patrocinio State School through Radiophony Language. Every year, the Radio Escola JP Project directly benefits dozens of students by giving them access to technological tools that enhance communication and expression, by introducing them to new information via internet searches, books, and other readily available sources in the “The Gate of Knowledge” Reading Room (Escola Jose do Patrocinio), as well as by helping to create texts that are used in the creation of program scripts and in the dissemination of information.
FaceBook: Rádio Escola JP (Rádio JP)
Twitter: @radiojpweb
Language: Português
Contact Number: +55 96 99177-1923
WhatsApp: +96991771923
Address: Rua do Estaleiro, 203, Macapá, AP, Brazil