Radio Costa Oeste

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Radio Costa Oeste Information

Radio Costa Oeste FM de Sao Miguel do Iguacu operates at 106.5 FM frequency on the west coast of Parana. With the main focus on showing the news, sport, culture, music, politics, events, and events from all over the region. A varied schedule with journalism, interviews, event coverage, and live broadcasts. That’s why they are the Voice of a Region! Its coverage reaches more than 20 municipalities on the west coast of Paraná, 2 in Argentina and 1 in Paraguay.


FaceBook: Rede Costa Oeste de Comunicação

Language: Português

Email: [email protected]

Contact Number: +(45) 3565-1022

WhatsApp: +554535651022

Address: Rua Geni de Souza Bongiolo, 225, sala 05 São Miguel do Iguaçu – Paraná 85877-000

Frequency: São Miguel, 106.5 MHz FM

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