FMSSP Radio station


FMSSP Radio station Information

FM radio & S STUDIO PRO is a live radio on the Internet to promote , advertise your singels , album or enterprises of aims . We offering many kinds of musical broadcasts from different corners of the world. Our headquarters is located in the DRC Kinshasa, and we have international branches which are scattered in many countries in the world crossing . FMSSP radio is a unique platform that gives you and expand your musical space, spaces or other members …. We broadcast our programs in French and English , which makes us unique in many countries such as the DRC Kinshasa. fmssp radio is based on the good qualities of your products or companies, we are committed to serve our listeners on internet with good music and shows. Our vision is to develop , disseminate and support the development of the musical universe crossing the Internet. We also provide different types of services from the distribution of your songs on our radio stations ( national / international ) , advertising and the extension of your own profile on the intenet networks . the radio is yours means to let you know by offering advertising space , spreading your songs , photos and flash player . The radio has a lot of web affiliations in Europe, Africa , Asia, USA and worldwide . If you have your own business and want to let you know , anywhere in the world, do not hesitate to contact us on our contact page . Finally, Our resort has an international scope , and national , to serve and offer good qualities of products ( music, Theatre , promotion and publicté and emissions) Thanks to our listeners and you are welcome FMSSP Radio station official website address is
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