Radio Cidade FM 95.3

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Being the FM station with the highest audience in the region of Inhamuns and the backlands of Crates, having the most modern facilities, with state-of-the-art studios and equipment, and a sophisticated music broadcasting system that can be heard in more than 25 cities in the region, throughout Piau, and via the internet to the entire planet, it is clear that Radio Cidade FM de Independencia is “proof that dreams are possible.”


FaceBook: Rádio Cidade FM 95,3 Independência

Gorjeo: @cidadefm95

Language: Português

Email: [email protected]

Contact Number: +55 88 99826-1625

WhatsApp: 88 9 9826-1625

Address: Avenida Sete de Setembro, 930

Frequency: Independência, 95.3 MHz FM

Géneros: Brazilian, Pop, Talk

Region: Brazil

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