Triple H FM


Triple H FM Information

Triple H FM are the neighborhood group radio station for the Shire of Hornsby and the Municipality of Kuring-gai. 2HHH FM Limited initially transmitted an impermanent telecast from midnight on the

first December 2000 ceaselessly to midnight 28th December 2000.

The studios are arranged at 17/75 Pacific Highway, Waitara NSW 2077.

Triple H FM unique application for a lasting permit was made on the twelfth of February 2001 and we effectively picked up Triple H FM changeless permit for Radio television on the seventh July 2001.

Triple H FM License territory arrangement (LAP) is L1150154 to serve the general region of HORNSBY/ KURING-GAI. Our Service permit number is SL1150154, This permit is for Radio just.

Triple H FM main goal is to advance and add to the best advantage of the group of Hornsby, Kuring-gai and its environs utilizing the medium of radio TV and to stay up to date with the quickly changing environment and to execute changes that will best serve the group.

Triple H FM official website address is

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