Radio Suara As’adiyah, which has been broadcasting since 1968. Founded by Anre Gurutta KH. (AGH) Yunus Maratang (late). The presence of this radio as a means of da’wah and Islamic symbols, on that basis, since broadcast until now, generally mosques in the districts of Wajo, Bone, Soppeng are oriented on this radio. Be it the five daily prayers, or enlightenment through Islamic lectures.
Twitter: As’adiyah Pusat
Language: Bahasa Indonesia
Contact Number: +082312952777
Address: Jl.Masjid Raya N0.100 Tlp.0485 21133 Sengkang 90914 Kabupaten Wajo Sulawesi Selatan
PlayStore: Suara Asadiyah
Frequency: 103.2 MHz