Radio Regina Zapad


Radio Regina Zapad Information

Radio Regina, the subsequent radio circuit of RTVS, comprises of three provincial studios – notwithstanding Bratislava, Banska Bystrica and Kosice. Studios map occasions, address characters, history and present of individual influenced locales. 12 hours every day, singular studios broadcast independently for their district, the remainder of the transmission is shared. Audience members will discover news, reports, conversation meetings and magazines, just as music programs, cops, fantasies and games. The verbally expressed word comprises of practically 50% of the transmission, musically Regina centers around mainstream, people and metal music, minority kinds or old style music.

Contact Details


FaceBook: Radio Regina Zapad

Twitter: rtvs

Wikipedia: Radio Regina


Contact Number: +421 2/325 062 62

Address: Benediktiho 5 811 05 Bratislava

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