Pinoy Hitz Tambayan


Pinoy Hitz Tambayan Information

Pinoy Hitz Tambayan is an online radio station broadcasting through the use of internet. It is created to give satisfaction and enjoyment to all Filipinos all over the world. It is also our aim to bring joy, to kick boredom and to meet new friends around the globe. This online radio is organized by volunteered radio djs who enjoy playing music online .While working, surfing and chatting with your families and friends, Pinoy Hitz Tambayan offers a 24/7 – 365 musical variety service to all its listeners. Wherever you are, Pinoy Hitz Tambayan will keep you company with the songs and the latest update of our beloved nation, Philippines. To those who miss their loved ones and feeling homesick, we are here to play the all time favorite original Filipino music and the latest songs on the chart. It is also our goal to give relaxation and spiritual uplift to our friends and chatters by playing Contemporary Music.
Pinoy Hitz Tambayan official website address is
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