Radio Punto Zero


Radio Punto Zero Information

Radio Punto Zero, Triveneta broadcaster transmits for 35 years in the provinces of Udine, Gorizia, Pordenone and Trieste in Eastern Veneto and the Dolomites.
Radio Punto Zero was officially born in Trieste on 13 August 1977, when a group of 13 fearless young men decided to try their hand with ether radio, initiating transmissions, with a few watts of transmitter placed inside an old dishwasher placed in the garden . As if to tempt fate at 13, the day they set up the first of a long series of broadcasts.
Thus was born the longest-running radio station in the province of Trieste and Friuli Venezia Giulia. Born in fact as a local radio station, Radio Punto Zero in a short time managed to win, thanks to the skill and bravery, of that group of friends as a great listening that allows it to rapidly expand its range di’azione.
Since that afternoon, after 35 years, and today the issuer is a reality of consolidated thickness at triveneto in an area such as the private radio broadcasters become increasingly competitive.
Official website of Radio Punto Zero is

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