Radio Kairos 105.85


Radio Kairos 105.85 Information

Radio Kairos – born free choice for passion.

Radio Kairos is a proudly independent radio continues to broadcast in FM (sore concealing a certain attachment to the vintage), but chose also stream digital and web 2.0 to contaminate and be contaminated by the interactive flow continuously through the world wide web.

Radio Kairos is glocal: an ear in the territory and the other in the network.

Radio Kairos is a radio movement: we are a critical voice on the representation, we claim a look not objective, we do not provide an information service but we manage flows polemical, our focus is on the political paths related to the rights and bodies that build these paths.

Radio Kairos speaks closely to movements and migrations of queer and contamination, surplus and claims worthy, music and art, culture and urban green, technology and sustainability, independence and networks.

Radio Kairos is – above all – Kairos: a vision not quantitative but qualitative time. Why Kairos is the time, the right one in which to make something happen.

Radio Kairos 105.85 official website address is

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