Abdulrasheed Soufi-Assosi A’n Abi Amr


Abdulrasheed Soufi-Assosi A’n Abi Amr Information

Abdul Rashid Ali Sufi is a Somali Qur’an reciter. He was born in 1964 to the reciter and preacher Ali Abdul Rahmane Sufi, who did a lot for the Qur’an recitation in Somalia. Abdul Rashid Ali Sufi’s father has also taught numerous theologians. He built many schools and institutes for teaching and learning the Holy Qur’an. He founded the famous mosque of Mogadishu he called Al-Sheikh Ali Sufi Mosque. Abdul Rashid Ali Sufi first learnt the Qur’an at the mosque and finished memorizing it at the age of ten. He certainly owed to his father many of his skills. He taught him different recitations and the interpretations of the Qur’an and the Fiqh.

Abdulrasheed Soufi-Assosi A’n Abi Amr official website address is www.mp3quran.net

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